Friday, July 9, 2010

No Wonder the Taxpayer's are in Debt!

The House of Representavive's Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, called a press conference recently to show off their new $140,000 cafeteria! There were top-of-the-line units that were equipped with motion sensors, connected to automatic window shades that open and close according to incoming light levels. When ask, "Was there anything wrong with the old fixtures?" She should have replied, "Nothing that taxpayer money can't cure!"
And the taxpayers are supposed to save the Postal Service from going "broke" by raising the price of a postage stamps from 44 cents to 46 cents; and the price of a postcard from 20 cents to 30 cents!
Then we have the problem of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It was the Secretary of State that revealed there was going to be a lawsuit brought against the state of Arizona's immigration law; not the Justice Department! It was news to Gov. Jan Brewer, she had been told the matter was still "under review." (The lawsuit could easily cost millions, but what the heck, the taxpayer's can afford it!)
There was an e-mail, reported by Foreign Policy, that 13 offers of assistance had come from the governments of Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, the Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United Nations. These offers included "experts in various aspects of oil spill impacts, research and technical expertise, booms, chemical oil dispersants, oil pumps, skimmers, and wild life treatments."
The answering e-mail read, "While there is no need right now that the U.S. cannot meet. The U.S. Coast Guard is assessing these offers of assistance to see if there will be something which we will need in the near future." (After all, it's only the taxpayer's money!)
According to The San Francisco Chronicle, "The Dutch offered to fly their skimmer arm systems to the Gulf three days after the oil spill started. The offer was turned down because the EPA regulations did not allow water with oil to be pumped back into the ocean."
And on June 15th, Politico broke this story: "Phil Schilito, White House congressional liaison, [said] that ... [the] Cap and Trade bill" would be combined with the bill already passed by the House in a lame-duck session, after the election, so House members won't have to take another tough vote in the midterm elections. (The "six-month moratorium" which Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) says will cost 154,000 jobs and prolong the recession. The Obama Administration seems not worried about this at all!)
However, the industriousness of the American people will clean up the oil spill! The Americans will not sit around and wait for a commission! And they are not going to wait to take the "boot off the necks of their people!"

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Rule of Law?

Some Americans are having their lives ruined by over-intrusive judges who often "legislate from the bench." We tend to be over-regulated with an abundance of abusive lawsuits.

One case happened on October 28, 2003, when federal "regulators" entered the home of George Norris, a retiree who raised orchids in his home, as a part-time business. His home was "raided" by federal agents who ransacked his house and confiscated his plants! He was later indicted on seven charges of violating the Endangered Species Act. George was imprisoned for 17 months! Today, his orchids are gone and his retirement plans are in shambles, because he and his wife have had to spend all their life savings on legal fees! His "crime" was a paperwork violation. This lawsuit was a case of "over-criminalization" of the law. He had done nothing wrong. He was a victim of "over-zealous" prosecution of the Endangered Species Act.

When The Heritage Foundation heard of the Norris case, they brought together the "first ever" committee hearing on such cases. With the help of Heritage they put together potenial questions for members of the committe to ask. The whole committee hearing was videotaped with victims of over-criminalization testifying.

The next case is a study in judicial activism, and an example of legislating from the bench. In the 2000 election, Californians approved Proposition 22 by a 61% to 39% margin. It passed with the help of many black and Hispanic voters. The initiative stated that "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognize in California." In 2008, an "all wise" California Supreme Court overturned the law, saying it was not "politically correct," and did not reflect the voting majority. So there was nothing left but to do it again! In the November in 2008, it again passed by 52%, inspite of the ugliness surrounding the election.

Another case tells the story of abusive litigation. This lawsuit had to do with a chain of department stores and their cosmetics manufacturers. They were accused of price fixing on lipstick and other beauty products. A class-action lawsuit was filed in 2003 and after a great delay in 2005, a federal court approved a settlement. The defendants admitted no wrongdoing, and the case was settled out of court. In the settlement the defendants agreed to give away $175 million worth of cosmetics to the aggrieved shoppers. Most of them received cosmetics worth about $18 to $25 dollars. The lawyers who filed the suit got $24 million in legal fees! (I've never been in favor of class-action lawsuits.)

These are not isolated cases! They illustrate that for decades we have seen, spreading throughout the American legal system, an erosion of the integrity of our court system.

We are being regulated to death! I don't mean to question the Rule of Law, I mean to uphold it! And as President Abraham Lincoln once declared:

"Let every American, every lover of Liberty, every well wisher to his posterity,
swear by the blood of the revolution never to violate in the least particular the
laws of the country, ... [and] to the support of the Constitution and [its] laws, let
every American pledge his life, his property and his secred honor. Let every man
remember that to violate the law is to trample on the blood of his fathers, and to
tear the charter of his own and his children's liberty. Let reverence for the laws
be breathed by every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her
lap, let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges, let it be written in
primers, in spelling books and almanacs; let it be preached from the pulpit, [and]
proclaimed in legislative halls, enforced in courts of justice. In short, let it become
the political religion of the nation."

Or as John Locke said in his book, Two Treatises of Civil Government, "The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom."

Without the Rule of Law, no matter what we preserve, it will all be for naught!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Immigration Through the Years

We are hearing a lot about immigration these days. We might take a look at this subject and realize the progress we have made through the years!
We often hear it said that "we are all immigrants." (Except for the Native-Americans, who were here when we came!)
The immigrants came mostly from Europe when our nation was founded. The Irish came because of the "potato famine," settling mostly in Boston and New York City. Germans, and others, settled mostly farther West or the South.
It was tough going for them. Those who arrived as families were much better off than those arriving who were single males. They lived in tenements or basements, where they cared for their children, if they had any, and became respectable members of their communities.
Among the single males, prostitution and begging were everywhere present. They became known as the "Dangerous Classes!" Gangs filled the slums, and politicians, like "Boss Tweed" hired gangs on election day, to intimidate, and sometimes beat up on opponents of Boss Tweed's. They were paid in cash, or sometimes in alcohol. In those days there was not such thing as a "secret ballot," that didn't come until 1915! Many of the police "gossiped, drank, and smoked." They were not much good at keeping order!
When the English writer, Rudyard Kipling, visited New York he said they were: "first cousins to a Zanzibar Zulu ... " and were a "shiftless outcome of squalid barbarism and reckless extravagance." America has made much progress through the years!
A writer commenting in 1860 had this to say about "Hell's Kitchen," and other rough sections of New York, there were: " ... streets ... [that were] ill paved, broken by carts and omnibuses into ruts and perilous gullies, obstructed by boxes and sign boards, [quite] impassable by reason of thronging vehicles, ... filled with filth and garbage, which was left where it had been thrown to rot and send out its pestiferous fumes, ... fever and cholera [were ever present]. Their ... drivers dashed through the crowd furiously, reckless of life, ... women and children were knocked down and trampled on ... rowdyism seemed to rule ... [and] it was at risk of your life that you walked the streets late at night, ... "
Immigrants were at least more than 20% of our total population in 1860. Another 20%
So why did they come? They came because America was "the land of opportunity," and they cared about what kind of a country they were leaving their children and grandchildren. Many had made great sacrifices so that their posterity could have the chance they never had!
Immigrants were at least more than 20% of the total population in 1860. Another 20% had died on ships coming to America. Those that survived were successful, especially as their skills improved. The ones who had come as families made their way all right! We, in America, are having quite a problem with "illegal immigrants" these days! Many immigrants are coming to the U.S. "illegally," because the federal government has failed to seal our borders! Gangs are once more menacing our land! Our social services are being inundated! If we are to survive as a nation, we need to do something about it!
I am open the your suggestions!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

I am a Constitutionalist, first; a Conservative, second; and a Republican, last! I'm starting this Blog because I am concerned about my country and what is happening to it!

I believe the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were inspired by men whom God raised up to do that very thing. They were men who "pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor" to making this new nation. This "pledge" was not an empty boast, for they, as Benjamin Franklin said, "We must all hang together, or we most assuredly will hang separately!"

No republic has lasted for long, until the Constitution came along. Maybe that's what Benjamin Franklin meant when he told that lady, "We have given you a republic, if you can keep it."

We must not lose our Constitution! Many nations have copied it, and until the United States came into being, there was no lasting republic to copy!

Rush Limbaugh, and others, have been ridiculed for saying that the ocean currents would take care of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, that has been concerning most Americans. However, for those who are aware of history, it is not such an outrageous statement, at all.

This is for the history "buffs" among us. In May, 1915, the passenger liner Lusitania was sunk, killing 1,198 passengers and crew. Among the victims were 128 Americans. Only a few days later a U-boat
(i.e. submarine) sank the passenger liner Marina, in which six Americans died!

During World War I the Germans had sunk a million tons of Alllied shipping. (Even those ships who claimed to be neutral, like the U.S.) Soon the Germans had torpedoed five ships within sight of Nantucket Island! And Kaiser Wilhelm promised that "such atrocities would never by repeated." (He didn't keep that promise.)

After the sinking of the Lusitania, the New York Herald called it "wholesale murder," and the New York Times, claimed that the Germans were "savages drunk with blood."

The sinking of the Lusitania, eventually lead to the United States entering the war, in 1917. U-boat attacks were an important part of the German strategy for winning the war! The sinking of ships also became a real problem in World War II, it was a serious part of Hitler's German strategy for winning. It got so bad that the government had asked for ideas from the public!

A well known comedian at that time, Will Rogers, had an idea. He said, "You have to get the Atlantic Ocean to boil, then the U-boats will all pop to the top, and the U-boats will be exposed, so the Navy can shoot at them." When asked, "How they could get the ocean to boil?" Rogers replied, "I'm just the 'idea man,' you'll have to ask someone also that qauestion!" Rogers made fun of the question but to the United States it was real!

Today, there is hardly a trace of the U-boats or the millions of tons of shipping that happened in World War I and an unknown number in World War II. It seems that it is not so outrageous to believe the currents of the Atlantic will take care of that oil spill.

While I believe the U.S. should do all it can do to contain the effects of the oil spill, until nature takes its course! Perhaps one good hurricane, Heaven forbid, might do it!

Jean Last