Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

I am a Constitutionalist, first; a Conservative, second; and a Republican, last! I'm starting this Blog because I am concerned about my country and what is happening to it!

I believe the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were inspired by men whom God raised up to do that very thing. They were men who "pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor" to making this new nation. This "pledge" was not an empty boast, for they, as Benjamin Franklin said, "We must all hang together, or we most assuredly will hang separately!"

No republic has lasted for long, until the Constitution came along. Maybe that's what Benjamin Franklin meant when he told that lady, "We have given you a republic, if you can keep it."

We must not lose our Constitution! Many nations have copied it, and until the United States came into being, there was no lasting republic to copy!

Rush Limbaugh, and others, have been ridiculed for saying that the ocean currents would take care of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, that has been concerning most Americans. However, for those who are aware of history, it is not such an outrageous statement, at all.

This is for the history "buffs" among us. In May, 1915, the passenger liner Lusitania was sunk, killing 1,198 passengers and crew. Among the victims were 128 Americans. Only a few days later a U-boat
(i.e. submarine) sank the passenger liner Marina, in which six Americans died!

During World War I the Germans had sunk a million tons of Alllied shipping. (Even those ships who claimed to be neutral, like the U.S.) Soon the Germans had torpedoed five ships within sight of Nantucket Island! And Kaiser Wilhelm promised that "such atrocities would never by repeated." (He didn't keep that promise.)

After the sinking of the Lusitania, the New York Herald called it "wholesale murder," and the New York Times, claimed that the Germans were "savages drunk with blood."

The sinking of the Lusitania, eventually lead to the United States entering the war, in 1917. U-boat attacks were an important part of the German strategy for winning the war! The sinking of ships also became a real problem in World War II, it was a serious part of Hitler's German strategy for winning. It got so bad that the government had asked for ideas from the public!

A well known comedian at that time, Will Rogers, had an idea. He said, "You have to get the Atlantic Ocean to boil, then the U-boats will all pop to the top, and the U-boats will be exposed, so the Navy can shoot at them." When asked, "How they could get the ocean to boil?" Rogers replied, "I'm just the 'idea man,' you'll have to ask someone also that qauestion!" Rogers made fun of the question but to the United States it was real!

Today, there is hardly a trace of the U-boats or the millions of tons of shipping that happened in World War I and an unknown number in World War II. It seems that it is not so outrageous to believe the currents of the Atlantic will take care of that oil spill.

While I believe the U.S. should do all it can do to contain the effects of the oil spill, until nature takes its course! Perhaps one good hurricane, Heaven forbid, might do it!

Jean Last

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